Welcome to the dog groomer Schlappohr in Germering
You can book an appointment online above under “Make an appointment now”.
If you have any questions, please send a message by sms/whatsapp to 0172-8553836 or by email to info@tierheilpraxis-schlappohr.de
We are also happy to help you with health problems with our veterinary practice. Please make a separate appointment by email. More information: www.tierheilpraxis-schlappohr.de
for the health of your dog
Does your pet have health problems?
e.g. allergies, itching, diarrhea, vomiting, poor liver values, kidney problems or is thin and not gaining weight?
At our veterinary practice, we treat your pet naturally. Many illnesses can be treated without antibiotics and cortisone.
be treated.
Did you know that every 2nd dog over the age of 10 develops cancer?
We offer allergy tests, treatment of allergies with the aim of elimination, treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, organ diseases and tumor therapies.
With bioresonance, we have an early warning system even before the symptoms of a disease appear, which can be used to treat the disease before it manifests itself. This is particularly recommended for the prevention of tumor diseases. The tumor test kits can be used to determine whether there are blockages in the body that could lead to tumors. (These tests are part of empirical medicine and are not yet recognized by conventional medicine, but are already used by some doctors).
We also recommend an annual check-up to prevent illnesses.
If you are interested, please send an email to
You can find further information at www.tierheilpraxis-schlappohr.de
Tierheilpraktikerin Anja Dieckmann