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Hund waschen



Waschen und Wohlfühlmassage mit hochwertigen pH Hundeshampoos, die speziell auf das Fell abgestimmt sind

Hund trimmen



trimmen ist das Entfernen losen abgestorbenen Haares bei rauhhaarigen Rassen wie Rauhhaardackel und Schnautzer

Hund schneiden



Schneiden mit der Schere von Hunten die nicht geschoren werden dürfen wie zB. Pomeranians und Welpen und Hunde unter 12 Monate oder bei längerem Fellwunsch

Unterwolle entfernen



Entfernen von losem Unterfell damit die Haut wieder atmen kann. Wichtig auch im Winter, da sonst die Wärme-Kälteregulation nicht richtig funktioniert

Hund scheren



Scheren mit der Schermaschine, hier sind mehrere Scherkopflängen auswählbar für schöne Schnitte auch im Winter




Entfernen von Knoten und Filz aus dem Hundehaar.Bitte prüfen Sie vor der Buchung ob Ihr Hund verfilzt ist oder Sie vom Haaransatz aus mit dem Kamm durchkommen. Wenn nicht müssen wir das zeitlich einplanen. Mit diesem Service sind Zusatzkosten verbunden

Welpen beim Hundefriseur

Welpen scheren oder schneiden?



You should not start clipping a puppy when the undercoat has not yet fully grown out and is still in the development phase and still feels soft and feathery. Otherwise the hair will never regain its intense color. Ideally, you should start here from 8 months. If it is very matted, it is detangled and cut with scissors.


Hunde trimmen

Trimming rough-haired dog breeds


In rough-haired dog breeds, the old and loose top coat must be regularly trimmed down to the dense, short undercoat when changing hair. Once the hair has reached a certain length, it dies off and new hair of the same thickness is shed. Trimming stimulates the growth of the new hair and thus improves its quality. As a result, the dog loses its itchy old coat and the new top coat can grow back. This preserves the color and shine of the coat and allows air to reach the skin again. As a rule, dogs are trimmed 4-5 times a year.

Hunde Scheren

Hunde scheren



Clipping involves shaving the hair with a clipper. The desired length can be customized. However, trimming is recommended for rough-haired dog breeds, as the coat will otherwise become soft and even curly in most cases. In addition, the colors gradually fade and shedding is suppressed, as the hair is only cut off and the loose dead top coat is not trimmed out. Clipping is only the method of choice here if soft atypical hair cannot be improved by repeated trimming.



must not be clipped as otherwise the coat may later stick out in all directions. 


It should be noted that dogs aged 6-7 years and older with zinc problems often have no hair growth for a long time after clipping. These include in particular Westies, Goldies, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Pekingese, Huskies, St. Bernards and Labradors. 

Siberian breeds 

must not be clipped as this destroys the top coat. They can also develop moles on their backs that will not go away. However, in huskies that are fully matted, the skin underneath often becomes moldy. This is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, the skin no longer gets any air, cannot breathe and often has open patches. In this case, the coat must be shorn off briefly so that the skin can get air again and the open areas can be treated and heal. In this case, however, the dog must no longer be exposed to the sun as otherwise its skin will burn and the hair will never grow back. Border Collies should also not be clipped as this will damage their beautiful top coat. 



This breed should also not be clipped as clipping makes the coat softer and it can take up to a year for the hair to grow back. This breed should therefore be combed out and de-matted.

Yorkshire Terrier

In this breed, the skin is almost too thin for the clippers, which can cause tears in the skin. The coat also loses color when clipped. This is why the coat of dogs of this breed tends to be clipped only. As the coat of this breed is greasy, it should be shampooed. However, if it has already been clipped, it can also be carefully clipped in the future. 

Hunde schneiden
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